Thursday, September 1, 2011
In the cool evening sunset I saw young couples walking hand in hand,qazing lovingly into each other’s eyes while splashing in the shallows.They were lost in their own world of romance♥♥
Interests: -LIKES- ♥pInK TeDy BeArS♥ ♥HeRsHeY KiSsEs cHoLaTeS♥ ♥RaBbITs♥ ♥SwEeTs♥ ♥cakes♥ ♥IcE-cReAM♥ ♥fAmIly♥ ♥FrIeNdS♥ ♥PiNk,BlUe,WhItE,bLaCk♥ ♥SeNsItIvE PeOpLE♥ ♥HoNeSt PeOpLE♥ ♥KiNd PeOpLe♥ ♥uNdErStAnDiNg pEopLe♥ ♥LoVeLy pEoPlE♥ ♥kIdS♥ ♥bAbIeS♥ ♥SpAgEtI♥ ♥HoNeY dEw♥ ♥CaPrIcOrN cUtiE♥ ♥StRaWbErY MiLKsHaKe♥ ♥ROsEs♥ ♥HoRiIcKs(yummy) ♥ ♥BuTtErFiIeS♥ ♥OcEaN sIdE♥ ♥PeAcEfUl PlAcE♥ ♥NoVeLs(AD+IZ**)♥ ♥JaNuArY♥ ♥bIoLoGY,cHeMiStRy,EnGliSh,SeJaRaH,bAhAsA mElAYu♥ ♥HaTs♥ ♥MoDeRN dReSs♥ ♥MaKiNg FrEnS♥ ♥LeArNiNg nEw ThInGs♥ ♥ScHoOl LiFe♥ ♥CuPpYCaKe♥ ♥JuSTiN bIeBeR♥ ♥SuRyA♥ ♥GeNeLiA 0 ShReYa♥ ♥BlOgGeR(http//♥ ♥SwEeT 16♥ ♥hIgH sChoOl mUsIcAl♥ ♥OrPhAnAgE♥ ♥hOLidAy Wit FrEnS (RaGiNi,kAlPaNa,KaNmAnI,kUtTy)**FoReVer SpEcIaL fReNs ♥SpOrTs♥ ♥4 sAiNs TuLeN♥ ♥bUlLeYInG jUnIOrS♥ ♥pUnJaBi SuIt♥ ♥DiAmOnDs♥ ♥ShOpPiNg♥ ♥EnGlIsH(language) ♥ ♥RoMaNtIc SoNgS N eNgLIsh SoNgS♥ ♥SiNgLe♥ ♥BrAnDeD sTuFfS♥ ♥gIrLY n PiNkY ThInGs♥ ♥hAngInG In CoMpUtEr♥ ♥DrEaMiNg♥ ♥WiNnIe PoOh ,HeLlO kItTy ♥ ♥SaI bAbA♥ ♥BhAjAns♥ ♥GoDs♥ ♥HoNg kOnG(dIsNeYlAnD**)♥ ♥cHaTtInG wIt FrEnS♥ ♥BiOcHeMiSt 0 ChEmIsTrIaN♥** Favorite Music ♥♪♫•*¨*•RoMaNtIc sOnGs!! Favorite Movies ♥♪♫•*¨*•HiGh sChoOL MuSiCaL♥♪♫•*¨*• Favorite TV Shows ♥♪♫•*¨*•dIsNeY♥♪♫•*¨*• Favorite Books ♥♪♫•*¨*•nOvElS♥♪♫•*¨*•(ad+iz)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Was meant 2 be the love of your life the one you can tell your dreams**2 and he’ll smile at you when you tell him,but he’ll never laugh he’ll brush the hair out of your face,and he’ll stare at you during a movie even though he paid $11 2 see it.he’ll call you 2 do tell you how he couldn’t stop THINGKING ABOUT YOU♥♥and most importantly,he’ll look right in your eyes and tell you that you are the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen and for the the first time in your life…you’ll believe it that is what they mean by TRUE LOVE♥♥
Was meant 2 be the love of your life the one you can tell your dreams**2 and he’ll smile at you when you tell him,but he’ll never laugh he’ll brush the hair out of your face,and he’ll stare at you during a movie even though he paid $11 2 see it.he’ll call you 2 do tell you how he couldn’t stop THINGKING ABOUT YOU♥♥and most importantly,he’ll look right in your eyes and tell you that you are the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen and for the the first time in your life…you’ll believe it that is what they mean by TRUE LOVE♥♥
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
My FaVoUrItE sOnG***
You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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